“There Comes a point in a man’s life when his memories become more important than his dreams”

Originally written on a very comfy couch the afternoon of  31-Dec-1996

“There Comes a point in a man’s life when his memories become more important than his dreams” – Brett “the Hitman” Heart 11/17/1995

Another year has come to a close. I have become aware that today is tomorrow’s yesterday.   The little things that happen today weave the tapestry of memories for ten, twenty and fifty years from now.  I started looking back at the poetry and stories I reading in high school and collage and I now seeing things with new eyes.

I reread Romeo and Juliet this week and found the play lacking. The kids had a stupid case of infatuation.  There is no sacrifice in their love. The whole tragedy could have been avoided if at some point, somebody had told the truth (I blame the Friar most of all).  The parents aren’t as responsible as I thought they were 15 years ago.  I wonder when the story changed?

This year Laura and I travelled to Yosemite, Reno, Joshua Tree (camping) and Palm Springs.  She was a few weeks pregnant in Yosemite.  She was quite the trooper. I  started rock climbing in January. now I have taken up a new sport, met new and very different younger people, started listening to much younger music and changed my style of dress (thank God).  I climbed in Joshua tree twice and Jana almost killed us driving to Williamson rock for a great day of climbing.

I took some great pictures this year (at least I thought so).  We went to the premier of Mars Attacks.  Jack Nickelson, Jim Brown, Christina Applegate were in the theater as well.   We went tothe Smithsonian Exhibit in LA andate diner at Club 33 in Disneyland.

We saw the movie Jack (Robin Williams) in Reno, only because our hotel room wasn’t ready. We saw Alaska (kid movie), The Rock (Nick Cage and Sean Connery), Phenomenon and Michael (John Travolta), Twister (Palm Springs), as well as Star Trek II, III and IV (in one night).  We saw Wayne Newton with my Mom as well as Wrestlemania at the Pond.  Shawn Michaels zoomed down over our heads on a zip line towards the ring.

I had my extra tooth extracted in January and hiked to and climbed the falls in Santa Anita Canyon with Don Schade.   We saw the Olympic tourch in Huntington Beach and at Seal Beach at 3:30am.  The furnace died and had to be replaced.

I started working with Future Scientists and Engineers of America at Nicolas Junior High School.  Both my dad and Robert McCarthy visited this year.  Rachelle Eichler and Al Pizzorno both died.  So did Timothy Leary and George Burns.   In the news, TWA flight 800 was blown up.  Bill Clinton was elected fora second term.  Boris Yeltsin hasn’t died yet.  Neither has the Pope.  Ted Kaczinski was captured, people died on Everest, same sex marriages were not recognized in most states or the Federal level.

Rocks from Mars showed signs of life.  Electric cars were marketed on TV.  Dilbert was funny and Star Trek First Contact came out. Minnie Pearl died.  I donated platelets at the American Red Cross and delivered daffodils for the American Cancer Society.  Did I mention that the Yankees won the World Series! Laura and I enjoyed watching it.

This time next year, there should be a baby here.  It will probably be a girl, but we aren’t sure yet. We have a 9 1/2 ft Christmas tree.

Right now, my priorities are 1) living in a healthy manner.  2) Being in integrity with life, 3) finding ways to be comfortable within myself.  I want to read more.  I would like to make more time for that.  

Editors note: Within the next 23 days, Laura’s Grandmother would pass away as would my Mother.  On the day we creamated my mother, we heard Cassie’s heart-beat for the first time.    It’s funny looking back at all the things we used to do and the detail.  Time has just flown by and it just continues.  Now Cassidy is almost 14 years old.  How close some of those events seem and yet how far they are as well.  That’s the strange thing about memories.  They all seem fresh. I still struggle with trying to find time to read more.  I almost seems impossible to make time for it.   Everything that was a priority at the start of 1997, is still a priority now.  It’s just harder.

“There Comes a point in a man’s life when his memories become more important than his dreams”